Monday, April 29, 2019

Crepe Myrtles

I presume that by now everybody knows not to commit “Crepe Murder” (or an alternate name is “hatracking”) by shearing down all the top branches and ruining the shape of these beautiful trees.  

If you need a smaller plant, did you know that there are a staggering number of cultivars of Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)?  You can find all shades of white, pink, red, or purple (sorry, no blues or yellows), and all sized from 3 feet to 50 feet high.  Some grow wide and short, some tall and narrow, with all sizes in between.  So, you see, there is no need to prune your tree to the size you want – go buy one of the desired size and color. They are remarkably hardy and healthy.  As a bonus, the bark of many cultivars is beautifully colored with brownish red patches, and a lightly colored peeling habit. It is wonderful as a replacement tree since it lends itself to our present residential-sized lots and neighborhoods. 

There are two nurseries in driving distance (Gainesville or Valdosta) which specialize in these trees – they do advertise on the internet.  I hope you find one or more to suit your landscape.

May your horticultural results be as fulfilling as your gardening diligence.      

Martha Dysart

Friday, April 26, 2019

Spring is the Season for Iris

I’m not talking about those big, beautiful bearded iris (they won’t last here), rather I am thinking of so-called walking iris.  True, they are one-day-wonders, but if you have a big patch of them, they will all bloom on the same day, then wait a day, then all bloom again.  I have no idea why they do this, but having asked everybody who grows them, I find that every person has the same experience.  

Walking iris (Iris) are named for their habit of growing flowers on long stems which eventually get an “air” root system which becomes increasingly heavy.  The stem falls over, the root starts to attach to the soil and grow another plant – hence it “walked” to a new location.  They are quite “polite” in their spreading habit, and easy to pull out if your patch gets too big.  A little morning or mid-day sun and regular water is all they need.  These patches also grow pretty densely, so weeds are discouraged from growing except on the edge.

The most common species is Neomarica gracilis.  It is white with royal blue accents.

A second type that I have seen a lot is the yellow with brown specks -- Neomarica longifolia.

 A third type, and not very common is the sky-blue Neomarica caerulea. 

All three can be easily grown in this area.  They are pretty cold-hardy, but their leaves can get ratty looking after a freeze (just cut them off).  They bloom in late March or early April, and are a welcome sight in your barely awakening garden.

May your horticultural results be as fulfilling as your gardening diligence.

Martha Dysart

Thursday, April 25, 2019

MMI Workshop

On May 4, 2019, two Monarch-Milkweed plant classes will be presented during the Mandarin Garden Club's free public weekend.

If you are interested in learning about the Monarch butterfly migration, how to grow native only milkweed plants to raise them or the benefits of having a butterfly garden, please consider joining us.  The workshops will be held at 9:15 a.m. and again at 2 p.m.