Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mandarin Newsline September Issue is Now Online

The Mandarin Newsline's, our local community newspaper, September issue is now available!  Check out the article about the Mandarin Garden Club featured in the issue on page 14.  Below is the press release from RT Publishing.
This month's issue of Mandarin NewsLine is once again filled with all the informative community news you have come to expect from your community newspaper!

With school back in session, it is marching band season again! Check out the article on the front page about the MHS Mustang Band, past and future!

Also on page 1: "Catholic Night at the Ballpark" was a big success as neighbors enjoyed a Jacksonville Suns game.

City Councilmember Matt Schellenberg's column is back in this issue. See page 4 for his explanation on how he voted on the mayor's pension proposal. raise or not to raise? Check out page 7 for our political columnists' take on this important issue.

The Mandarin Women's Club has had a busy summer planning for the upcoming season. See their article for all the details on page 13.

There is "football aplenty" according to local sports columnist Chad Cushnir. Be sure to read his article on page 15.

Don't miss our annual Back to School Guide beginning on page 19. Everything you need to know about the newly started school year, in addition to columns by our MHS student writers, is contained in this special section.

A special thank you for reading our publication. Please be sure to patronize our advertisers; they are the ones who bring Mandarin NewsLine to your mailbox each month!

Be on the lookout, watch for the children as they return to school!


Rebecca Taus, Publisher

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